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Zemědělská cisterna Celikel Cruiser Z3 

Machine type
Cisterny a fekály
Product code
Celikel Cruiser Z3
Producer CELIKEL
Standard packaging        1 ks
Amount On request
In stock at the supplier Yes
Contact us for information on delivery speed.
Price without VAT 10 900.00 € 282 310.00 Kč
Price incl. VAT 21% 13 189.00 € 341 595.10 Kč
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Product description

You can see how serious Cruiser is in terms of performance via the pressure and vacuum indicators. You can manage the machine without getting out of the tractor. Cruiser decreases fertilizer costs and works to increase efficiency.

Cruiser's powerful pump can engage in intake and pressure tasks and offers long-lasting usage.It has been equipped with an illuminated warning system to prevent accidents during fertilizing. The illuminated warning system is located on top of Cruiser so that it can be noticed at night and during dark working conditions.

Cruiser has a powerful intake capacity owing to a combination of Çelikel engineering and a special pump. An external filling cover allows additional Manure to be easily placed inside the tank, while the filling process is done via indicator.

The distribution distance of Cruiser can extend to 65 meters owing to its optional centrifuge pump, which has been designed by considering difficult field conditions and its upper throwing attribution.

Çelikel's Cruiser was designed using a special angled Manure crashing plate to distribute the liquid fertilizer as desired.

You can easily complete the process of filling the machine with Manure owing to the powerful intake system located on the distribution trailer.

Wheels with a special geometric structure.


Technická specifikace je dostupná na první pozici ve fotogalerii.



Společnost BISO SCHRATTENECKER se zabývá prodejem a servisem zemědělské techniky od roku 2008 na území ČR, na území SK od roku 2005. Pro tato územní zastupujeme značky Maschio Gaspardo a Kverneland. Vinařskou techniku máme k dispozici od značek CIMA, LaCruz, MG, Freilauber, Agrofer a BISO WINEBOSS diskové podmítače a radličkové kypřiče. Pro Slovenský trh zastupujeme také traktory značky KUBOTA a Antonio Carraro.

Pro cenovou nabídku nás neváhejte kontaktovat!

Centrála: Václav Štursa ml., +420 606 183 360, info@biso.eu

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Můžete nás kontaktovat přes chatovací okénko v pravém spodním rohu.

Centrála CZ: +420 773 747 620, sklad@biso.eu

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