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Adjustable package capacity by pressing system:
You can pack in different scales ranging from 25 kg to 50 kg. With the touchscreen control panel, you can view all functions on one panel, as well as access and intervene with information such as product weight and number.
An integrated remote connection feature has been added to SPACEBULL software to interfere faster and easier during any malfunctions that occur in Perpetual. By means of this system, the Çelikel technical team can assist with problems that users cannot solve.
It is very easy to control the machine system via the SPACEBULL PLC control panel and its comprehensive interface. You can interfere in all functions of the machine on one screen and access information such as the tonnage and amount of the product packed in the machine, etc.
Our aim is that packages handled by the machine must be standard and perfect. We have decreased this error to a rate of zero through a Bunker Mixing Auger, designed to prevent situations such leftover materials remaining behind in the bunker.
The automatic loading system will automatically move the material to be packed through control by the SPACEBULL automation system, which is Perpetual's feeding unit.
Perpetual GO:
Adjustable package capacity with pressing system You can easily determine package capacities by selecting among options from 20 kg to 60 kg on the digital screen, which works with the machine's weighing system. You will obtain perfect packages with a 2% maximum margin of error.
A remote connection property integrated to SPACEBULL software is added for faster and easier intervention to any problems with PERPETUAL. With this system, Çelikel technical support team can remotely intervene if the user is unable to solve the problem.
Perpetual ULTIMATE:
As package capacity that is adjustable with pressing system operates with digital screen on the machine and weighbridge system, you can easily set 20 or 60 kg packing capacities. You will have perfect packages with maximum 2% error margin.
A remote connection property integrated to SPACEBULL software is added for faster and easier intervention to any problems with PERPETUAL. With this system, Çelikel technical support team can remotely intervene if the user is unable to solve the problem.
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Centrála: +421 911 944 210, obchod@biso.eu
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VŠE PRO VINICI - www.centrumvinarsketechniky.eu
VŠE PRO SAD - www.sadarskecentrum.eu
VŠE PRO ZELINÁŘE - www.zelinarskecentrum.eu
KOMPLETNÍ NABÍDKA KUBOTA - www.kubotacentrum.eu
SKLIZŇOVÁ TECHNIKA - www.skliznovecentrum.eu
LISY A BALIČKY - www.lisovacicentrum.eu
PÍCNINÁŘSKÁ A KRMIVÁŘSKÁ TECHNIKA - www.picninarskecentrum.eu
ZPRACOVÁNÍ PŮDY - www.centrumzpracovanipudy.eu
MULČOVAČE - www.mulcovacicentrum.eu
SECÍ STROJE A KULTIVACE - www.centrumseti.eu
ROZMETADLA - www.centrumrozmetadel.eu
POSTŘIKOVAČE - www.centrumpostrikovacu.eu
DOPRAVNÍ TECHNIKA - www.centrumdopravnitechniky.eu
Spoločnosť BISO SCHRATTENECKER sa zaoberá predajom a servisom poľnohospodárskej techniky od roku 2008 na území ČR , na území SK od roku 2005. Pre tieto územia zastupujeme niekoľko značiek ako aj svetových, tak aj lokálnych výrobcov. Silné väzby máme na výrobcov KUBOTA, NEW HOLLAND, CASE IH, MASCHIO GASPARDO, VIGOLO, KVERNELAND, STRAUTMANN, SPAPPERI, WEAVING a mnohých ďalších.
Vinársku a sadársku techniku máme k dispozícií od značiek CIMA, LACRUZ, TECNOFRUIT, UV-BOOSTING, FREILAUBER, AGROFER a BISO WINEBOSS.
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